Build School of Shaam
We built our first school in Idlib, Syria at the height of conflict, when everything was being destroyed. Aid sector experts told us it was pointless, but our school helped hundreds of children gain relief and resilience through purpose, routine, community
and learning.
Ten years on
Our Idlib school is still providing the best education available to 300+ students, and locals are glad it happened. So, now we’re building our second school
in northern Syria.
Big plans
Engineering plans for the School of Shaam are complete and we’re starting construction. This school will be part of the Rethink Village, where we’ve rehoused over 250 families and provided livelihoods to widows by giving them shops.
High standards
The education provided at School of Shaam will incorporate a curriculum we created in collaboration with our local staff at our Idlib school. We’ll ensure it reflects the highest standards of teaching and addresses the needs of the community.
Tackling trauma
In addition to academic excellence, we’ll provide sports and activities designed to help children tackle conflict trauma. As part of this effort, we’ve already introduced equestrian therapy for children living at Rethink Village.
How you can help
Your donations can provide
Construction Supplies
You could fund the brick and mortar of a school for children who have survived conflict
School Supplies
You could help furnish classrooms where children of war find solace in community and education.
Equestrian Supplies
You could help maintain the horses which provide therapy to children of war.
Your Impact
Today, we’re rehousing families, supporting orphans, providing prosthetic limbs to people wounded in conflict, empowering widows and women survivors with livelihoods, and helping people affected by war to recover from their trauma through therapeutic activities so that they can start rebuilding again. Your impact cannot be counted.